Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Roll and Tumble

Now, I'm no Bliss, and not usually led to blog about the lovely stuff I see, but I am making an exception. The other day I ran across the Roll & Tumble etsy shop and was impressed enough by this fantastic poster that I bought one immediately. (Those who know my usual shopping habits know that this is a rare event. Usually I have to consider, go away, come back, consider some more...)

Photo credit: Roll & Tumble Press

I was happy with this purchase on its own, but a couple of hours later I checked my email and found a nice note from Roll & Tumble's Christie and Caleb. Turns out I was their 100th sale, and to celebrate, they let me choose another item for free. I knew exactly what I wanted - these fantastic bird prints. To tell the truth, I'd considered buying them anyway. 

Photo credit: Roll & Tumble Press

Yay for cool etsy sellers, yay for free, yay for Roll & Tumble's awesome hand illustrated, hand carved, hand set, hand fed letterpress prints!

If you'd like to see some photos documenting the process Roll & Tumble Press uses (from sketches to wood cuts to printing), check out the R&T flickr stream.


  1. Yays all around! (also yay for no gestational diabetes, which is probably the biggest cheer of all, no?)

  2. I love beautifully made, independent things like this!

  3. Those are awesome little birds. And the pie poster too. Good stuff.
