Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Left New York, Still on Wall Street (Journal)

I am quoted briefly in a Wall Street Journal article on parents buying adult styles for their young kids. A WSJ reporter found me a few weeks ago by googling skinny jeans for toddlers. She is not the first to do this - I regularly get visitors to the blog who stumble on the site while looking for clothing for their slim children. More often than not they leave anonymous comments telling me that I am an ass for making fun of skinny jeans.

What these parents fail to notice is that I am not opposed to thin kids wearing slim fitting clothes. What does bug me is that adult styles, particularly ones that are marketed as sexy, are sized down and sold to kids. That's it. End of complaint.

The article is kind of funny, especially the title: Do These Jeans Make My Diaper Look Big? Maybe I am just slow, but it hadn't really occurred to me that people put clothes on their kids when they would like to wear a style themselves. I get that parents dress their kids based on their own tastes (heck, I do that when I can), but somehow I had never considered using Ada as my personal style surrogate. And now it is too late, as she has her own strong opinions about fashion that don't exactly comport with mine. Sigh.

I realize that writing about this is just going to draw more accidental traffic from parents of skinny kids. And I will get more anonymous mothers telling me that I am a horrible person. But please, if you have come here because you want to buy your kids jeggings or skinny jeans, please, before you yell at me remember that this is just a blog, not a manifesto. I don't really care how you dress your kids. The fact that I don't buy skinny jeans for my roly-poly babies should not mean anything to you. I have nothing against the Gap (especially not after they gave me clothes for Blogher!) and am not invested in what other people do. Unless it is parachute pants. I reserve the right to laugh if I see your child in parachute pants.


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