Thursday, June 07, 2007

Pardon Our Dust

The use of a new photo should not suggest that I've changed the blog too much. I just got fed up with my previous attempt at sprucing up the template and made some quick changes so that I can stand to look at the page. (Edited to add: all the work to make the header at least semi-presentable is by Chris. Thanks, Chris.)

You know how you can go along with something looking terrible (like say, the kitchen floor) for weeks on end, and then suddenly if you have to live with the mess for one more second you are going to run out of the house and join the circus? No? Well, you probably never let your floor get as bad as mine looks right now. In any case, I had one of those moments with the blog tonight. I needed a change - I'd updated the template, which was fine except I hated the huge margin font and things never worked the way I wanted them to. Maybe one day I will splurge and get some professional help to clean the place up. Until then, I will slowly work on it myself, the equivalent of finally mopping the floors and cleaning off a corner of the dining room table for you.

Until then, I remain, lost in a poopy fog, Nonlinear Girl.


  1. Yeah promise me you won't change your tagline... And tell me you did make tshirt of the old banner? How much are those? Your wee bit craftiness.

  2. tell us about the picture

  3. The photograph is of me (age 4) and my father. It was taken in Florida, where we lived until 2 weeks after my sister was born. I love that it captures such a nice daughter-dad interaction. Maybe it is not the best to represent "life in a poopy fog" but I am so enamored of it that it will do for a while.

  4. Love the picture!
