Monday, May 14, 2007

Learning from a Friend's Father

A good friend of mine just lost his father. I only met Tom on a few occasions over the years, but have felt quite warm toward him and my friend's mother since they joined us several months ago for one of our weekly Thursday-night-dinner-with-friends dinners.

I was saddened to hear that this man died, and was very moved by something his daughter wrote for his obituary:

Tom lived a very full life. He was a man of his word, a believer in justice, and a lover of the Green World. He lived his values every day, guided by a strong sense of ethics and a belief in the importance of kindness.

I read the obituary this morning and have been thinking about this description since then. Occasionally I read an obituary, usually of someone I did not know (even in the celebrity sense of knowing of them), and am inspired by the way the person led their life. I hope that I can take some of Tom's example to live my values, and to teach that to my child the way that Tom did with his.

Mike, I am so sorry for your loss.


  1. Thank you so much Nora. I'm so glad I got to know Mike's dad - he was truly remarkable. I hope our son will glean the bits of his grandfather's character that are reflected in Mike and his family.

  2. I thank my stars I had him as my dad. And that in my life, I have such thoughtful friends.
    Thanks, Nora,

  3. It is the kindness that we might all take to heart with a passion. Thank-you for posting it.
