Thursday, February 23, 2006

Don't advertise your man?

(Turn away now if you are averse to "I love my husband" posts.) Before Ada was born, Chris took good care of me. He read all the books on labor and delivery, even when I was still in denial about the process. He got obsessed with the idea of me getting "high quality protein" and cooked whatever I wanted to eat. He made it clear that he loved my pregnant body.

Now that Ada is here with us he continues to be amazing and thoughtful. Like cooking dinner 3 of every 4 nights. Like doing his share of dishes, diapers, middle-of-the-night Ada soothing. Like reminding me that I should get out with friends. Like looking at me in that way that lets me know that he's still into me, 15 years after our first Valentine's dinner. Like not complaining too much when I snuggle up to him with icicle toes and fingers. And so much more.

Despite what Sippy Wallace said, I can't help telling people how great Chris is. I feel so lucky to have found him early. He was great when we met, and he just keeps getting better. I love you, Chris. Happy birthday.


  1. Maybe we should have a Hubby-off? I think mine is definitely the best! :D Seriously, it is so nice to read a post written by someone who appreciates their significant other as much as I do. I didn't think it was possible to love someone so much, as a husband and daddy to my little dude. We are lucky girls!

  2. wait! no-mine is the best! just kidding. that's great he's so good to you :)

  3. I love "I love my husband" posts. I would write one every day if I could. Very sweet post. :)
