Friday, November 06, 2009

The perfect stroller I can't afford

You know how sometimes you go wandering blog to blog, looking for something or someone entertaining or interesting? I did that this week, and wandered over to a mother of twins in Canada. She is giving away a beautiful, lovely, heart-stoppingly expensive stroller, a Bumbleride Indie Twin.

Let's face it, even when I am not in the middle of a 6 month leave from work, an almost $700 stroller is not in the cards for me. But if I could win it? That would be nice. So in a vain attempt to win this stroller, I am blogging about it. This is a little embarrassing to me, but it is a measure of how much I would like to win this. So there, we've found my price, huh? Did I mention it comes in orange? Sigh.

Embarrassment aside, here is a link to the giveaway.


  1. I splurged on a really expensive double stroller and love love love it. I hope you win too! :)

  2. I entered the giveaway twice, but really it will be on your behalf, as I don't need a double ...

  3. Hey, thanks Laura. I hadn't thought to have people do that!

  4. I commented and now I am getting all the comments everyone else leaves on my gmail account. Gah!

  5. I like that the bumbleride website has a "dealer locator" like they sell cars or something.
    I am a big fan of orange strollers. I think you should win it.

  6. I am a little embarrassed to say that I have that stroller! It's awesome! I love love love it! I didn't buy much when Lizzie was born as I was fortunate enough to have a friend give me almost everything I needed then other friends filled in the gaps. So, when I knew I was pregnant with twins I saved up as many Amazon gift certificates (from my Amazon credit card) as I could and I cashed in the change from around my house (got an Amazon gift certificate from it) and was able to bring the price down a bit. It was still really expensive but SO worth it in the end. Besides, there have to be some benefits to working full time.

  7. If you don't win it, you should shamelessly run a donation request on your blog to buy one. I'm serious. I'll definitely donate, and I bet many of your other fans would too. This seems like it would make your life a lot easier, and I would like to help in that way from across the country if I could.

  8. I hope you win it too! The closest we came to twins was when dudelet was in his spica cast and finding a suitable pram to get him around in was a complete nightmare. You need that pram!

    (Oh, and if anyone else is listening, I need a new MacBook - I also have my price)
